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the latest from the youth forum

What's new? Check out the latest news, statements and more from the Youth Forum.


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EU Elections 2024

European Culture and Education can’t be left to the hands of Eurosceptics!


Block anti-democratic forces across the political spectrum from holding essential and influential positions in the European Parliament.


Erasmus+ Coalition: Reaction on leaked proposal to cut the 2025-2027 Erasmus+ budget


Check our detailed position regarding proposed cuts to Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe.

Joint Statement: Let’s get more young people into the next European Parliament


50% of the world's population is under 30 years old. But globally only 2.91% of the world’s parliamentarians are under 30. Mapped onto 365 days, 10 January is the last day young voices are represented in parliaments around the world. That is why the United Nations have dubbed this day the #NoSayDay.

Vote at 16

Young people deserve to #BeSeenBeHeard


The Body Shop and the European Youth Forum launch a petition calling on all European governments and the European Parliament to lower the voting age to 16 for all local, regional, national and European elections.

Safeguarding civic space

European Youth Forum priorities: Defence of Democracy package


The Defence of Democracy package serves as an opportunity to safeguard democracy and overall civic space in the EU. However, the package’s potential ‘foreign interference’ directive has raised concerns among civil society across the European continent. The European Youth Forum has put forward the following priorities in response to the process.

There are as many Martins in the European Parliament as MEPs under 30


The new analysis released on International Day of Democracy finds that the number of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) younger than 30 is equal to the number of parliamentarians named Martin - six each.