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ATD-Fourth World- All Together in Dignity Fourth World

International Non-Governmental Youth Organisation - Full members
Democracy and young people
ATD Fourth World is an international organisation whose aim is to put an end to extreme poverty by ensuring access to fundamental rights for all. Founded in 1957 by Joseph Wresinski, ATD has no political or religious affiliations. Today, the organisation brings together individuals of all cultures and social origins across over 30 countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. ATD’s approach is based on daily contact with people living in exclusion due to persistent poverty. It involves supporting them as they take action to lift themselves out of poverty while forging partnerships with other stakeholders. From this experience, ATD Fourth World has learned that the fight to eradicate poverty can only succeed if it is designed, implemented, monitored, and evaluated with the people concerned.

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EU Youth Dialogue

Supporting the Inclusion of INGYOs in the EU Youth Dialogue

Motion - 22/11/2024

International Non-Governmental Youth Organisations (INGYOs) are a crucial part of the European Union Youth Dialogue (EUYD). While they offer many advantages and their contributions remain essential, their presence at EU Youth Dialogue conferences has noticeably diminished in recent years. This development raises concerns about the inclusivity and effectiveness of the dialogue process, as the absence of INGYOs could limit the diversity of perspectives and expertise in youth-related decision-making.