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CRDM - Czech Council of Children and Youth

National Youth Council - Full members
Democracy and young people
The Czech Council of Children and Youth (CRDM) is the National Youth Council of the Czech Republic, an umbrella organisation of 97 children and youth organisations with more than 200.000 individual members (out of which more than 170.000 children and young people up to 35 years old). We offer our members services (information, insurance, lobbying and advocacy activities), represent them towards national as well as international bodies and aim to better the conditions for youth work and overall development of children and youth in the Czech and European society. We also introduce Czech youth organisation to the topics that are being worked on at the European level, as well as bring the unique experience of our member organisations back to European and international levels. CRDM has experience in organisation of national, as well as international, exchanges, seminars and projects; project management; Structured Dialogue with Youth / EU Youth Dialogue (being the coordinator of the National Working Group for the Structured Dialogue with Youth); advocacy in the field of youth work, youth policy and conditions for the work of youth organisations; representation on events on national and European level; organisation of projects and educational activities aimed at developing competences of young people, with special focus on civic and social competences.

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Youth organisations

The situation of youth organisations across Europe

Motion - 18/05/2024

Youth Organisations across Europe are facing an increasingly challenging situation. Political and economic circumstances are leading to shrinking civic spaces and therefore a shrinking chance of youth organisations to fulfil their purpose and represent the voice of young people. Read the motion to find out which of the European Youth Forum's members have been impacted and how, as well as what we commit to internally as part of our Strategic Plan and what we call for externally.