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FYEG - Young European Greens

International Non-Governmental Youth Organisation - Full members
Democracy and young people
FYEG is the European umbrella organisation for Young Green organisations from all over the continent, from Georgia to Ireland and from Cyprus to Norway. Our 38 member organisations comprise various backgrounds: local ecological groups, student unions, youth wings of Green parties and Green Youth NGOs. In addition, we are also the independent, official youth wing of the European Green Party (EGP). Our organisation is run by a voluntary Executive Committee, the Editorial Board of Ecosprinter (the FYEG online magazine), and the members of our working groups. The Committee and the Editorial Board are elected by our Member Organisations once every year. Anyone can join our working groups without having to be elected.

Related news and publications

Safeguarding civic space

Protecting civil society and civic spaces in Georgia

Motion - 18/05/2024

In March 2023, the Government of Georgia initiated work on a legislative proposal on “foreign agents” that would have forced civil society organisations to be registered as being under foreign influence should they be receiving funding from sources outside of the country. As Georgia initiated negotiations for EU membership merely 6 months ago, this underscores how fragile Democracy and the Rule of Law are in our societies and how civic spaces must be protected tirelessly every day, everywhere.

Joint Statement: Let’s get more young people into the next European Parliament


50% of the world's population is under 30 years old. But globally only 2.91% of the world’s parliamentarians are under 30. Mapped onto 365 days, 10 January is the last day young voices are represented in parliaments around the world. That is why the United Nations have dubbed this day the #NoSayDay.