GoFor - Youth Organizations Forum - National Youth Council of Turkey
National Youth Council - Observers
Democracy and young people
The main aim of GoFor - National Youth Council of Turkey is to advocate the rights of young people in Turkey as well as preparing a sustainable youth policy including all young people regardless of their backgrounds and monitoring the implementation of the policy. GoFor is a network that leads in new ways; advances the sector policies; develops a system thinking between its members; creates a future for an organized youth for young people. The purpose of this network is to act as the National Youth Council that is recognized by all governmental structures. GoFor enables its members to be self-confident, independent, creative and effective organizations that make a difference in the lives of young people and their communities, as well as make a contribution to the thinking and practice in their fields.
Related news and publications
formal and non-formal education
Calling for access to education, civic space and funding for young people and youth organisations in Türkiye
Motion - 21/04/2023
The European Youth Forum and our member organisations urge the government to strengthen access to education and adequate housing, civic space and funding for young people and youth organisations in Türkiye.
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