KOMS - National Youth Council of Serbia
National Youth Council - Full members
Democracy and young people
National Youth Council of Serbia was founded on 12th March, 2011 as the highest independent representative body of youth in Serbia common objectives to: - Strengthen negotiation positions of youth in relation to the State and its youth policies - Improve mechanisms for the participation of youth in decision-making processes - Improve mechanisms for representation of global socioeconomic, educational, cultural and other interests of youth - Help youth and youth organizations be more informed – ensuring greater and more comprehensive information flow - Provide basis for the participation of youth in international forums
Related news and publications
Youth organisations
The situation of youth organisations across Europe
Motion - 18/05/2024
Youth Organisations across Europe are facing an increasingly challenging situation. Political and economic circumstances are leading to shrinking civic spaces and therefore a shrinking chance of youth organisations to fulfil their purpose and represent the voice of young people. Read the motion to find out which of the European Youth Forum's members have been impacted and how, as well as what we commit to internally as part of our Strategic Plan and what we call for externally.
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