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PROM - Polish Council of Youth Organizations

National Youth Council - Full members
Democracy and young people
The Polish Council of Youth Organizations (established in 2011) is a forum for cooperation of Polish non-governmental youth organizations. The aim of PROM is to support the participation of young people in public life, to inform the public about the condition of youth policy in Poland and to represent the member organizations. However, the most important goal is to undertake actions in favour of the creation of a coherent and modern youth policy in Poland. PROM is created by over a quarter of million of young people people in member organizations, which are associations and foundations operating on national, regional and local level. PROM also includes a structure of Permament Team for Youth Councils which is the only form of association of local youth councils established as advisory bodies within the municipalities. This is a space for discussion, exchange of experiences and the possibility for their involvement in co-creation of youth policy at the national level. From the beginning of its existence, PROM is responsible for the implementation of the EU Youth Dialogue (formerly: Structured Dialgue), which is a tool for communication between young people and the decision-makers at the European level. PROM is the official representative of Polish youth at EU Youth Conferences and a member of the European Youth Forum.