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the latest from the youth forum

What's new? Check out the latest news, statements and more from the Youth Forum.


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A total of 1104 items found. Showing 1104 items on page 4 of 184.

Open letter: European Commission must guarantee legislation on quality internships


Civil society organisations and trade unions have signed a joint open letter to #BanUnpaidInterships, urging the European Commission to back an ambitious proposal for an EU Directive that ensures quality conditions for internships, including remuneration that pays a living wage. Read our joint open letter.


Reaction to the EU 2040 climate target from European youth networks


Youth organisations welcome the commitment of the European Commission to an increased ambition in putting forward the reduction target of 90% by 2040. However, concerns arise regarding the level of target’s ambition, heavy reliance on technology to achieve this target and ignoring the importance of addressing resource overconsumption.

EU Youth Test

European Commission commits to a “Youth Check”


📢 We have big news to share! On 10 January 2024, the European Commission announced that they will be implementing a “Youth Check”. This new announcement is part of the legacy of the European Year of Youth 2022.


Erasmus+ Coalition: Reaction on leaked proposal to cut the 2025-2027 Erasmus+ budget


Check our detailed position regarding proposed cuts to Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe.

Joint Statement: Let’s get more young people into the next European Parliament


50% of the world's population is under 30 years old. But globally only 2.91% of the world’s parliamentarians are under 30. Mapped onto 365 days, 10 January is the last day young voices are represented in parliaments around the world. That is why the United Nations have dubbed this day the #NoSayDay.

Sustainable development

#COP28: Time for a new climate narrative 🌍✨


As everyone tunes into COP28, it's not just another climate summit—it's our moment to shift the conversation and focus on issues that are usually left in the shadows. While we talk a lot about decarbonisation and green economies, there's a key part we’re missing from the puzzle: our consumption habits.