Speak up for mental health
European Mental Health Week, 9-13 May 2022
Be vocal. It’s ok to not be ok. Mental health affects all of us at every stage of our lives. Let's shape a better life and brighter future for young people by speaking up about mental health. Everyone needs and deserves access to mental health care. Are you ready to take action? Join us for the European Mental Health Week!

Mental Health Europe (MHE) is hosting the third edition of the European Mental Health Week on 9-13 May 2022 and guess what? The European Youth Forum is the official partner for this year’s European Mental Health Week.
We care about mental health and this year's theme ‘Speak up for mental health’ will shine the spotlight on youth mental health as a high-profile societal issue now and in the foreseeable future.
Did you know? Quick facts about mental health
- Young people’s mental health was heavily impacted during the last two years due to the pandemic.
Mental health problems among young people (15–24-year-olds) have doubled in 2020-2021.
Nine million adolescents in Europe (aged 10-19) experience mental health problems.
Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people in Europe.
A vulnerable group, young people are 30% to 80% more likely to report experiences of depression or anxiety in contrast to adults.
Young people’s mental health needs are not supported early enough and often only at a stage of the crisis.
Did you know that nearly two-thirds of young people may be affected by mental health and wellbeing issues throughout the pandemic? The findings of our research summarised in the report “Beyond Lockdown: the ‘pandemic scar’ on young people” highlight the deep social, economic, but also mental health challenges and barriers young people are facing as a result of the pandemic and the interlinkages between those.
Young people’s poor mental health and wellbeing during the pandemic are also likely to worsen their employment and educational prospects in the long-term. Now, with another economic crisis on the horizon, as well as the unfolding humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, we are facing more uncertainty and fear. In spite of that, there are still not enough national policy responses supporting young people’s mental health. Immediate action at the European and national levels is crucial to address the mental health needs of young people in Europe.
Building on the long-standing global tradition of observing Mental Health Awareness Month in May, this pan-European campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of positive mental health in our everyday lives. We know that youth unemployment, low-quality jobs, poor educational outcomes, and poor mental health are all significantly connected.
That's why we are supporting this week-long online action encouraging everyone to speak up about all aspects of mental health, share personal stories of how to cope with difficulties in times of crisis and in general, and highlight the need for action.
What can you do? Start the conversation today
Spread the word on social media
Use our sample tweets below for inspiration - let's encourage everyone to #SpeakUpForMentalHealth

#SpeakUpForMentalHealth to show that youth #mentalhealth matters. Share this if you agree and save the date for the #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek on 9 – 13 May 2022! Find out more and join:www.mhe-sme.org/emhw

The pandemic has disproportionately impacted young people. We all realise that youth #mentalhealth matters. I support Mental Health Europe’s #EuropeanMentalHealthWeek on 9-13 May 2022! Will you #SpeakUpForMentalHealth? Find out more and join: www.mhe-sme.org/emhw

Tune in for the Instagram Live "Let's speak up for mental health"
What do you say when you talk about mental health? When it comes to mental health, the words we use matter more than we think. That's why we partnered up with Mental Health Europe to break mental health stigmas and stereotypes.
Tune in for our Instagram Live chat with a mental health advocate Dominique de Marné 🎙 on Tuesday 10 May 2022 at 16:30 CET 🗓
You will have the chance to ask your questions and listen to writer, TEDx speaker, social entrepreneur, and the founder of @mentalhealthcrowd Dominique talking about her inspiring journey together with the European Youth Forum Board Member Maria.
You can look forward to:
learning about and how to speak up for your mental health,
A better understanding of mental health and what can impact the mental health of young people,
learning about recovery and mental health - including discovering practical tips on how to seek information and find answers about mental health,
understanding the importance of language when we talk about mental health – because the words we use matter more than we think!

Download the ‘Short Guide for Young Adults on Mental Health’
The Mental Health Europe’s ‘Short Guide for Young Adults on Mental Health’ aims to aid young adults take control of their mental health journey.
With a significant rise in instances of mental health issues as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more young adults will seek mental health support during their transitional period to adulthood. This can often be a daunting and difficult task to undertake.
In Mental Health Europe’s (MHE) latest edition of Short Guides, you will find advice on how to navigate some of the complexities that one or a loved one might come across on this mental health journey.
Would you like to know more?
Why not have a look at these free resources on how you can look after your mental health:
Managing your mental health during the Ukraine crisis
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