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Inclusion and diversity

Expressing solidarity with young refugees in the United Kingdom and across wider Europe

Motion - 27/04/2023

The British Youth Council, together with over 100 youth organisations from all over Europe, is deeply concerned by the British Government's recent rhetoric on refugees and expresses alarm at the British Government’s so-called ‘Rwanda deportation policy’ and its efforts to undermine the right to asylum.

formal and non-formal education

Calling for access to education, civic space and funding for young people and youth organisations in Türkiye

Motion - 21/04/2023

The European Youth Forum and our member organisations urge the government to strengthen access to education and adequate housing, civic space and funding for young people and youth organisations in Türkiye.

Youth rights

For the support for the exclusion of the National Youth Council of Russia (NYCR)

Motion - 26/11/2022

The General Assembly of the European Youth Forum voted to terminate the membership of NYCR.