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Safeguarding civic space

Protecting civil society and civic spaces in Georgia

Motion - 18/05/2024

In March 2023, the Government of Georgia initiated work on a legislative proposal on “foreign agents” that would have forced civil society organisations to be registered as being under foreign influence should they be receiving funding from sources outside of the country. As Georgia initiated negotiations for EU membership merely 6 months ago, this underscores how fragile Democracy and the Rule of Law are in our societies and how civic spaces must be protected tirelessly every day, everywhere.

Safeguarding civic space

Youth Progress Index: Youth Progress and Civic Space

Research study & publication - 23/10/2023

Civil society organisations play a critical role in amplifying the voices of marginalised and vulnerable groups, highlighting the key challenges they face and ensuring that their concerns reach diverse audiences. However, recent years have been marked by a disturbing trend of shrinking civic spaces, including those of youth organisations.

formal and non-formal education

Calling for access to education, civic space and funding for young people and youth organisations in Türkiye

Motion - 21/04/2023

The European Youth Forum and our member organisations urge the government to strengthen access to education and adequate housing, civic space and funding for young people and youth organisations in Türkiye.