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Workers’ Rights for the 21st Century


Past and present, workers’ rights have brought about a better world of work, leading to real, tangible improvements in people’s lives. Annual leave, minimum wages, collective bargaining, shorter hours, equal pay, and the regulation of legal working ages are some of those improvements.

While it is undeniable that these rights have improved working conditions, it is equally clear that they are not fairly distributed. Increasingly, long-established workers' rights have become privileges for a select few, with many - particularly younger workers - excluded due to factors such as contractual status, age, or earnings.

This paper takes aim at this double standard and makes the case for a new settlement of workers rights that no longer privileges certain segments of the labour market, but provides the same safety net and benefits for all, from day one on the job.

In addition to a better distribution of existing workers’ rights, this paper proposes a series of additional rights to set a new horizon for workers’ rights fit for the 21st Century. Read our policy paper to find out more.

Would you like to know more? Get in touch!

Alex Q t
Alex Quinn

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