MSS - National Youth Council of Slovenia

Related news and publications

Condemning youth rights violations and threats to activist safety in Serbia
Serbia’s youth activists are facing worrying challenges to their safety, privacy, and basic freedoms, highlighting deep-rooted issues in the country's rule of law and democratic practices. Read the motion to find out the European Youth Forum's position.

Supporting the Inclusion of INGYOs in the EU Youth Dialogue
International Non-Governmental Youth Organisations (INGYOs) are a crucial part of the European Union Youth Dialogue (EUYD). While they offer many advantages and their contributions remain essential, their presence at EU Youth Dialogue conferences has noticeably diminished in recent years. This development raises concerns about the inclusivity and effectiveness of the dialogue process, as the absence of INGYOs could limit the diversity of perspectives and expertise in youth-related decision-making.

The situation of youth organisations across Europe
Youth Organisations across Europe are facing an increasingly challenging situation. Political and economic circumstances are leading to shrinking civic spaces and therefore a shrinking chance of youth organisations to fulfil their purpose and represent the voice of young people. Read the motion to find out which of the European Youth Forum's members have been impacted and how, as well as what we commit to internally as part of our Strategic Plan and what we call for externally.

The Cyprus Problem: Its international dimension and how young Cypriots are affected by it
This resolution calls for the cessation of hostilities and, with the consent of the Government of Cyprus, the deployment of a UN Peacekeeping Force to prevent the recurrence of violence and for the Republic of Cyprus to take the responsibility to restore law and order to prevent further violence in Cyprus.

Expressing support for the safeguarding and expansion of united nations youth delegate programmes globally
The European Youth Forum member organisations are troubled by recent developments surrounding the withdrawal of funds for United Nations Youth Delegate programmes across various European countries, denounces the efforts to challenge the legitimacy of several of these programmes and calls on governments to integrate National Youth Councils and not sideline them into irrelevance.