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A total of 198 items found. Showing 198 items on page 3 of 33.

Empowering Youth Voices: Defending Democracy and European Values

Motion - 18/05/2024

We cannot deny the European Union and its values are facing threats from both inside and outside. The European Youth Forum is committed to actively speaking out against these threats and protecting the values of intercultural understanding, democracy, respect, diversity, human rights, active citizenship, and solidarity.

Safeguarding civic space

Protecting civil society and civic spaces in Georgia

Motion - 18/05/2024

In March 2023, the Government of Georgia initiated work on a legislative proposal on “foreign agents” that would have forced civil society organisations to be registered as being under foreign influence should they be receiving funding from sources outside of the country. As Georgia initiated negotiations for EU membership merely 6 months ago, this underscores how fragile Democracy and the Rule of Law are in our societies and how civic spaces must be protected tirelessly every day, everywhere.

Social and economic rights

Always on standby: How precarious work impacts young people’s mental health

Policy paper - 26/03/2024

Precarious work is not inevitable; rather, it is a result of political decisions and can therefore be mitigated and ultimately eliminated. This paper outlines actionable steps at both the national and EU level to address the issue, paving the way for a better relationship between mental health and the world of work for young people.

EU Youth Dialogue

EU Youth Dialogue Grants

Policy paper - 15/03/2024

This document aims to summarise the position of the European Youth Forum on the Grants provided by the European Commission for the implementation of the EU Youth Dialogue. It addresses two facets: National Working Groups and European Non-Governmental Youth Organisations. The Youth Forum asks the European Commission to introduce the following changes as part of the next granting period, which starts in 2025.

Inclusive Learning Mobility: Addressing Visa Barriers for Youth

Motion - 09/03/2024

In the European context, young people face visa-related challenges, which vary depending on their specific categorisations. This motion aims to raise attention to streamlining visa procedures for young people and promoting accessible and inclusive learning mobility programs across Europe. It seeks to mitigate bureaucratic barriers and ensure equitable opportunities for all, fostering cross-cultural understanding and empowering youth.

Finding unity in challenging times

Motion - 09/03/2024

The Israel-Hamas war has reopened a wound in the hearts of millions of Jews, Muslims, Israelis, Palestinians, and Arabs.