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Social and economic rights

Always on standby: How precarious work impacts young people’s mental health

Policy paper - 26/03/2024

Precarious work is not inevitable; rather, it is a result of political decisions and can therefore be mitigated and ultimately eliminated. This paper outlines actionable steps at both the national and EU level to address the issue, paving the way for a better relationship between mental health and the world of work for young people.

formal and non-formal education

Calling for access to education, civic space and funding for young people and youth organisations in Türkiye

Motion - 21/04/2023

The European Youth Forum and our member organisations urge the government to strengthen access to education and adequate housing, civic space and funding for young people and youth organisations in Türkiye.

Social and economic rights

European Youth Forum’s proposals for the Council Recommendation on Minimum Income

Policy paper - 01/03/2023

The European Youth Forum welcomes the commitment of the Commission to propose a Council Recommendation on minimum income for adoption in 2022, to further implement Principle 14 of the European Pillar of Social Rights.